2014 Special Car Rental Rates
Type of Vehicle Daily rate ($) Discounted Daily rate ($)
for more than 2 weeks
20/32 seater Bus $ 280 $ 270
15 Seater Bus $ 180 $ 170
4X4 cars $ 180
$ 170
7 seater Van $ 170 $ 160
Saloon cars $ 100
$ 90
Conditions For Rentals:

At least 80% deposit must be paid before rental begins.

Driver's allowance of $25.00 paid daily for trips out of Accra.
$ 15.00 paid daily
within Accra.

Fuel is the responsibility of the renter. Vehicle will be
released with full tank and must be returned as such.

Insight driver will be responsible for the
vehicle at all times. No self drive is allowed under any circumstances

Payment must be made in major currencies or its equivalent in Ghana Cedis.

Maximum working hours for a day is 12 hours.
Just get in touch with us - We will provide the
type of vehicle you need at the best rate permissible.